
A community at LTH dedicated to exchanging knowledge, working on open source software together and having fun.

HashCode 2019

19 Feb 2019

The 28th of February it’s time for Google Hash Code once again (17:30 - 22:30)! This is the fourth time Code@LTH organizes a hub for Google Hash Code - an annual world wide team programming competition.

Location for the presentation will be E:1406, then we will be in the group rooms around E:1406.

For more live info, see our Facebook event.

To participate you will have to sign up here:

Don’t forget to mark Code@LTH as your hub when you create your team on the judge system.

Last year the problem was about scheduling uber drives in a city grid so that as many passengers were picked up on time as possible.

Todo-list for participants

  • Sign up at:
  • Mark yourself as attending at the Facebook event!
  • Find 3 friends (or fewer, teams of 2-4 are accepted).
  • Create your team on the judge-website that you get access to after sign up, and select Code@LTH as your hub.
  • Spread the word! Last year we were about 70 people at our hub, it would be cool with even more this year :D
  • Find the hub’s schedule here a week before the competition. We plan to meet up about 30-45 min before the contest starts for a short introduction to the competition, some dos and don’ts during the competition and to give away some swag.

If you are really serious,

Practice with your team!

We hope to see you there! :D

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