The 28th of February it’s time for Google Hash Code once again (17:30 - 22:30)! This is the fourth time Code@LTH organizes a hub for Google Hash Code - an annual world wide team programming competition.
Location for the presentation will be E:1406, then we will be in the group rooms around E:1406.
For more live info, see our Facebook event.
To participate you will have to sign up here:
Don’t forget to mark Code@LTH as your hub when you create your team on the judge system.
Last year the problem was about scheduling uber drives in a city grid so that as many passengers were picked up on time as possible.
Todo-list for participants
- Sign up at:
- Mark yourself as attending at the Facebook event!
- Find 3 friends (or fewer, teams of 2-4 are accepted).
- Create your team on the judge-website that you get access to after sign up, and select Code@LTH as your hub.
- Spread the word! Last year we were about 70 people at our hub, it would be cool with even more this year :D
- Find the hub’s schedule here a week before the competition. We plan to meet up about 30-45 min before the contest starts for a short introduction to the competition, some dos and don’ts during the competition and to give away some swag.
If you are really serious,
Practice with your team!
- Look at some old problems.
- Use a template.
We hope to see you there! :D