
A community at LTH dedicated to exchanging knowledge, working on open source software together and having fun.

Advent of Code is finished

30 Dec 2018

The advent calendar advent of code has come to an end!

Every day between the 1st and 25th of December a puzzle has been released, which you are supposed to solve as fast as possible. For most of the problems you need to code a small script. Each puzzle is divided in two parts, where you get a star for each part you solve.

In total Code@LTH gained 724 stars with 30 participants!

leader board

You gain global points if you are one of the first 100 globally to solve a puzzle. If your rank on the global leader board is r you gain max(0, 100-r) global points. There are about 60000 persons who have solved the first puzzle, and 1800 who have solved the 25th. In general it is quite hard to gain global points. 6 members on the Code@LTH leader board managed to snatch some global points, congratulations!

global points

You can still access and solve the problems at advent of code. We hope to see you participate next year!

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